Welcomes You To “My Dubai Chiropractor”
Hi, I’m Gary Fitzgerald and I’d like to both welcome you to My Dubai
Chiropractor and also thank you for taking the time and effort needed to
find out if quality chiropractic care can help you achieve the goals you
want to reach.
Please take your time and explore the website. There’s information
on myself, what to expect, our techniques and much more. You will
also find information on various chiropractic related issues (many
more articles are available if you become a website member) and
there are also special sections on how our Dubai chiropractic
office helps people in Dubai and the UAE with both sports
performance and achieving as comfortable and easy a pregnancy
as possible. These might seem very different topics but they have
one simple philosophy in common… move better, live better.
My Dubai Chiropractor listens to your goals
Not everyone wants to be an elite athlete. For some people their goal is to be able to play with the kids without back pain, for some it’s to stop taking headache tablets everyday, for others it to simply get back to going for a jog without feeling as if they are going to fall apart. Whatever your goals are we can design simple, realistic ways of achieving them. By taking on a few small good habits you’ll be surprised at what you can achieve.
My Dubai Chiropractor works with others to help you
What characterises My Dubai Chiropractor and in turn helps our Dubai chiropractic patients, is our relationship with fellow professionals in Dubai. Every week we receive referrals from GPs, orthopaedists, neurologists, midwives, pediatricians, nurses, personal trainers, physiotherapists and fellow chiropractors. This ensures that by taking a team approach you can receive the best quality medical care. It also means that if you do come to us with a problem that might be better helped by someone else we can make sure you get to see the right person.
My Dubai Chiropractor is always happy to answer questions
Only when you understand both the causes and nature of your health problem are you likely to stick with the small changes in habit that are usually required to achieve the results you want, not just now but also for the future. That’s why at My Dubai Chiropractor there is always time for questions. Whether it’s what exercise you should be doing, what position you should sleep in, or even if chiropractic could help you friend who has headaches, just ask.
If you would like to discover if visiting the clinic could help you there’s only one way of really finding out, and as I said if you have any questions or concerns, just ask. I look forward to meeting you.