Common Sports Injuries Treated at the Clinic
Shoulder Pain (Rotator Cuff Injuries)
The “Rotator Cuff” is a group of four muscles which provide both stability and movement to the shoulder. It is one of the most common structures involved in any shoulder pain or injury and a correct balance between these muscles is crucial to normal shoulder function.
With an injury, the role of the chiropractor is to help restore the balance and coordination to the rotator cuff by treating the muscles, joints and nerves in the area. It is also important to assess the neck, elbow, wrist and the rest of the spine for dysfunction as these areas can both cause problems in the shoulder and develop problems due to an underlying shoulder issue.
Elbow Pain (Tennis / Golfer’s Elbow)
The majority of elbow pain cases are due to some type of overuse. Commonly, the tendons that attach at the elbow get inflamed due repetitive incorrect movement. Your chiropractor can help this by not only relieving the inflammation on the tendon but importantly finding the reason for the injury in the first place: be it in the elbow, wrist, shoulder or spine.
Wrist and Hand Pain (Carpal Tunnel Syndrome)
Wrist and hand pain are common injuries in many sports. Just think about the amount of sports that involve either throwing and catching a ball or holding a racket, club or bat. One of the most common hand and wrist issues is called Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. By tracing the course of the involved nerve from the hand right up to the neck and relieving any pressure, chiropractic care can help to improve this sometimes chronic condition.
Hip Pain (Bursitis/Groin Strain)
Hip and groin pain can come directly from the low back, pelvis and hip joint itself. Your chiropractor will assess and treat all these regions and may also show you ways to support these structures with stretches, strengthening exercises and maybe even changes in footwear or other sporting equipment.
Knee Pain (Meniscus / Ligament Injuries)
The knee is a hinge and frequently the reason a hinge develops a problem is because of incorrect movement of either side. That’s why when treating a knee problem it is crucial that your foot, hip and low back function is also assessed. If you have a knee problem, be it from trauma or not, while obviously treating your knee we will also look at your entire kinematic chain and support your improvement with an appropriate rehabilitation program.
Ankle and Foot Pain (Shin Splints, Calf pain, Achilles Tendinitis)
One of the most important functions of the arches in your feet is to aid in correct shock absorption. If there are problems with the functioning of your arches not only can it cause foot and ankle pain but can also lead to shin splints, Achilles tendinitis, knee problems, hip problems and low back pain. Also the way your feet hit the ground when running or walking will send neurological signals to the muscles in the rest of your body telling them in what order to contract. This is why your chiropractor may find it necessary to examine your feet to help issues as diverse as foot pain, muscles strains, low back pain or even neck pain.
Muscle Strain / Pulled Muscle (Hamstring/Quadriceps/Tendinitis)
The muscles in your body work like a series of pulleys that allow you to maintain a correct posture and ensure smooth and even movement of your skeleton. However, if one muscle is not working correctly (be it too much or too little) the opposite muscles will have to compensate accordingly. Therefore, to fully treat a strained muscle it is vital that we thoroughly examine all the muscles that work in cooperation with the muscle that is injured. Otherwise the person will continue to have a chronic history of repeated muscle strains, a situation that is all too common in many sports people.
Ligament Sprain
Ligaments connect bone to bone and, like strained muscles, are frequently injured after a accumulation of stresses further along the biomechanical chain. A type of nerve fibre called proprioceptors are found in ligaments. These proprioceptors allow you to maintain a correct body position when standing and also, importantly for sports people, when active. If these proprioceptors are injured when a ligament is sprained you are much more likely to have recurrent sprains in that region. This is why your chiropractor will not only treat your ligament sprain but also give you various rehab exercises so that you can protect yourself for the future.
By the way, if this approach makes as much sense to you as it does to us, we’d like an opportunity to meet you and discuss your options in person. Ring My Dubai Chiropractor today. +971 4 344 7333 .